A family group which is focused on human values, EXEL Industries has based its CSR policy on firm commitments to its employees. Its commitments take the form of action plans in the areas of apprenticeships, training, absenteeism, workplace accidents and diversity. Diversity of origin and background, gender equality, skills development and internal promotion are core features of the Group HR policy.

Each Group company proactively develops its own HR practices and environmental and social initiatives. All Group companies are encouraged to introduce innovative measures to guarantee improvements in workplace well-being and a sense of enjoyment in working and taking the plunge together.

Responsible innovation

EXEL Industries offers its customers a wide range of solutions for reducing their environmental impact: As the spray-liner, EXEL Industries develops high-precision spraying systems designed to apply the right dose in the right place at the right time. The aim is to allow farmers to maintain their yield while reducing consumption of plant protection products and, therefore, cutting costs.

Training and safety

Human capital is a key asset for EXEL Industries. To attract tomorrow’s talent, the Group strives to maintain a work environment conducive to skills development and collective efficiency, particularly through training and apprenticeships. Employee safety is a major concern for EXEL Industries. Group Executive Management is committed to ensuring that the highest standards of safety are applied.

Our initiatives


People are the focal point of the company and its customer relations policy.

Health and safety: 3.5% absenteeism in 2023, accident frequency rate down (from 13.0 in 2022 to 11.9 in 2023).

Gender equality, attractivity and skills development: percentage of women (20% in 2023), development of apprenticeships and hiring of persons with disabilities (directly or through ESAT disability-friendly companies).


Compliance applies to a number of areas:

Consumer health and safety: compliance with Machinery Directive, ATEX Directive, Reach, RoHS and ISO standards.

Anti-discrimination: promotion of and compliance with the principles of the ILO Conventions.

Code of conduct: prevention of corruption and influence peddling, IT Charter applied across all Group companies.

Suppliers and subcontractors: purchase policy prioritizing local suppliers and subcontractors, CSR requirements incorporated into purchasing terms and conditions, CSR charters implemented among Group companies.


Propose solutions to help our customers reduce their environmental impact.

Smart, innovative technical solutions developed by EXEL Industries’ pooled research center, EXXACT Robotics.

Reducing pollution: 30-80% reduction in spraying doses of chemicals and natural products, purchase of hybrid vehicles, recycling production waste (PVC).

Eco-design: high R&D investment engaged in designing lighter agricultural machinery fitted with more eco-friendly engines, limiting the use of paint and the resulting energy consumption, beet harvesters that limit soil compaction and earth removal.

Reducing environmental impact in the production cycle: reduce carbon emissions and water consumption.