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Give Back to Nature what Nature Gave Us with the Hozelock EasyMix 2-in-1 composter
Le 24/02/2022
Give Back to Nature what Nature Gave Us with the Hozelock EasyMix 2-in-1 composter
The new Airless® 72C160 and 52C225 pumps, which will be marketed under the AZURTM brand
Le 22/10/2021
Four patents are held on these pumps, plus a design patent application. The first patent covers the automatic re-closing of hydraulic chevron seals. The second innovation covers a new compressed-air exhaust system. The third patent covers access to t...
Surfing the DIY wave, Hozelock covers the composting process from A to Z.
Le 22/05/2021
DIY, with devices that support home ecology such as the Bokashi (a small kitchen composter that allows you to make your own fertilizer from organic waste) or the BioMix (composter for terraces and gardens).
3S Spot Spray Sensor®, EXXACT Robotics technology for precision spraying
Le 07/04/2021
EXXACT Robotics has developed a high-tech solution for real-time capture and analysis of images using artificial intelligence
Holmer EasyLift
Le 22/03/2021
A system for lifting sugar beets that measures the position of the top of the beet in relation to soil depth and type.
2023–2024 full-year results
Full-year 2023-2024 revenue up 0.5%
Third quarter 2023-2024 sales: up 2.1%
For the 3rd consecutive year, EXEL Industries Receives Deloitte's Best Managed Companies Label